
Hi, I’m Maree.

I am the author of The NO Bullshit Guide Series™️  self help that works if you do! I’ve written Audible Bestseller The NO Bullshit Guide to Getting Sober©️ The NO Bullshit Guide to Staying Sober©️, Right now I’m writing The NO Bullshit Guide to Love©️ (more about THAT later…) 


I write helpful books that are evidence-based, practical, and no bullshit — if you read my books and find you’re being more honest with yourself than you’ve ever been before, great. Even better still? You get inspired to kick about and try something different in your own life. That’s the whole point. In total The NO Bullshit Guide Series™️ will have 10 books.


I wish I’d had books like this when I was getting sober and trying to stay sober and the going got really tough. It was important to me that they could both be re-read without getting boring. I also wish my brother had had the audiobooks before he died of alcoholism at 37 leaving a 5 year old running after his coffin. These first two books continue to save lives and I couldn’t be more happy about it!

So great to see you this morning and thank you very much for treating Isabella and I to brekkie!
I sent a thank you note to my contact at the AM Show and she replied with this:
We also want to thank YOU for linking us up with Maree, she was amazing! We had a huge influx of stories from our amazing viewers after her interview sharing their own experiences.
She will actually be on our show promo on Sunday evening during the 6pm news so tell her to keep an eye out.
So well done my love!! You’re doing what you set out to do – helping others!! 
Safe travels to Paris and take good care of yourself!
Much love xx

Sarah Nash, proud to be your PR from Napier


There were some practical considerations too for my books they had to be pocket-sized; they had to fit in a guy’s back pocket or a chick’s handbag without drawing too much attention to themselves. My litmus test was that they made me laugh out loud.

The NO Bullshit Guide to Getting Sober©️ is the security blanket I wished I’d had (but didn’t) when I was getting sober.

The NO Bullshit Guide to Staying Sober©️ clearly explains ‘dry drunk’ and makes sure you’re on track for a happy contented sobriety. Not one where you have to sit on your hands every time someone opens the top shelf.


Because the concentration span of anyone in early recovery isn’t too crash hot and because my brother and his son have dyslexia, I’ve also made both books audioBooks. All books in The NO Bullshit Guide Series™️ will come as audioBooks too.

The audioBooks are narrated by me and if you see an angel wearing headphones when your eyes are closed listening to it, it is probably the sound engineer, Reece Muir, from Crescendo, watching over you from the recording studio. He busted his arse to make these relatable for you too.

My first book is an Audible bestSeller and I just love the medium of audioBooks. If you are thinking of narrating an audioBook and you want it to pass all Audible and Spotify’s technical QC checks you need to get in contact with Theo Gibson who own’s NZ audioBooks. He’s cheap and good.


I’ve always written for pleasure but I wrote for a living too, at TVNZ. I’ve been published in the Herald, TNT Travel, LA based Elephant Journal & NZ Dirt Bike Rider Magazine. I’ve been featured on the Nutter’s Club, Mornings With Kerre Woodham, been interviewed by the brilliant Kathryn Ryan at Radio New Zealand on Reality Check Radio, Flea FM and featured twice on the AM Show before it went off air.


I can’t say much but my Publisher says I’m allowed to give you the synopsis, so, here it is:

Predict with reasonable accuracy whether this time will be the last time with Maree MacLean’s The No Bullshit Guide to Love©️. Maree offers a 10 step strategy for readers looking to navigate the often treacherous waters to love and get it right this time. If you are wondering whether there is even any point putting in the effort to find someone new? You have to do something different this time for a different result, Maree offers a tried and tested methodology for finding the love of your life, for the rest of your life.

Punchy, I love its conversational style, it rockets along. The NO Bullshit Guide to Staying Sober is just as good as Getting Sober and might even be better.
James Belfield, Sub Editor, Sunday Star Times.